What is eBook formatting?
Well, first of all, before we move on to eBook formatting, an e-book is quite simply an electronic, or digital book. Basically, it’s a book that you can read on your computer, iPad, Kindle device, and your smartphone. Just like it is in the digital space, all those books that take up all the space in your living room, office, storage room, or garage can fit easily into your hand-held device. Let’s not forget how heavy they can get.
eBooks are cool. They are convenient. They are awesome. However, they have to meet a certain standard if they’re to be presented in the digital world.
Texts and images are to be smart, elegant, poised, and pleasing to the human eye. Titles, chapters, paragraphs, sentences and words are to be structured and balanced well enough to ensure a reading that flows smoothly. This is what makes a manuscript undergo a process known as eBook Formatting before it’s published digitally.
Why eBook formatting?
- It ensures a standard layout that adapts to the different platforms or “readers” that are available all across the web and in your favourite app stores.
- Its functionality guarantees an easy and enjoyable user experience; the tables of contents are that much better when they are clickable, leading you straight to the page you are looking for.
- Its simplicity is captivating and leads to maximum absorption of content.
eBook formatting are done at a standard that’s recognised worldwide, in order to be published. It’s important to have a qualified, professional and dynamic team do this for you, such as the one that’s always readily available, here at W2K. Not only can you, the author/writer, ensure yourself the highest standard, quality, error-free format for your book, but you can also sit back and relax from all your hard work as your manuscript is polished to excellence. Or even, clear your mind and start thinking or even working on your next bestseller.